Back yet once again, Carnival World has brought in some new arcade machines specially for you event planners out there who are looking for the perfect one that fits in with your event!
You may or may not have been able to have participated in motorbike racing due to safety constraints etc, however you can fulfill that very dream right here on our Arcade Manx TT Super Bike playing it safe! No trophies awarded but a hell of a ride would make an unforgettable experience for your audience. If motorbikes isn’t your thing, we also have other arcade racing machines which you can check out from here.
Manx TT Super Bike’s dimensions: 2.35m by 1.9m by 1.77m.
A blast from the past here is our Spider Stompin’, a common staple in the arcade centres during our childhood days. Just as its name says, stomp away em’ creepy crawlies at the fastest you can within the time limit to earn points!
Spider Stompin’s dimensions: 1.62m by 1m by 1.77m.
Musical games are always popular and available for play by all ages, but wouldn’t it be better if you could have a go on an actual musical instrument?
Unleash your skills on the Taiko Drum Set and challenge your friend to see who is the ultimate drummer!
Taiko Drum’s dimensions: 1.2m by 1.2m by 2.05m.
Definitely a bang for your bucks, contact us now for more information!